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Eq2 mount polar scope camera head... idea


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hey guys

well iv got a EQ2 mount no telescope for it but i want to use it for imaging with just camera lens's tracking (i no the tracking isnt exactly the best but its best i can afford)

i have the EQ2 motors for it

now the question i have is would the eq2 mount handle a small mini telescope (like the RDF or the better one which's name has excaped me) my 300D with lens's attached to a tripod head with a polar scope attached some where to the legs?

its an idea i'll draw up a plan diagram when i finish work (people even in this apparent economic decline still do online home shopping of their food :))

any guess's and ideas on what to use for the mini scope (will only be used for targeting for the camera)

thanks guys i'll post pictures at every stage here for any one else

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I'm not entirely sure I follow you here...

So you want to use your EQ2 with just your 300D+lens to take some shots and tracking with the RA motor?

If so....I don't realy see why not, for short exposure, wide field stuff it should work.

Now you say your wanting you need an RDF or similer for finding your target...you get adapters from Scopes and Skies i think for RDF's to fit on top of your camera ie where the extra flash goes.

Polar scope on the legs...not so sure about this one, but i don't think you will need a polar scope if you calibrate your RDF with your camera as best you can in the day time (on somthing as distant as possible) you should get a rough polar alignment just using the RDF.

Remember if this all works you are really going to be limited to some very short exposures i would expect.

But the wider the FOV and the shorter the F# the better of you will be.

Hope this helps


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