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Saturn-Mercury-Venus conjunction at the weekend!


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They're already pretty close together judging by some of the images I've seen posted elsewhere. Trouble will be the usual one - CLOUDS!! :x At the moment it is completely overcast here in Oxford. It's always nice to see Mercury during one of its fleeting appearance - so fingers crossed that the weather takes a break.

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Fingers crossed for Monday then.... soo much cloud tonight here!.

Beach observing.... nice!. If you dont have an oil plant across the way with enough lights to turn night into day!!!

Ah, never mind... good UFO landing site!! :)

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Anyone manage to see it? I did and it was great couldnt believe an Astronomical event and clear skies(wake me up i am dreaming). I had to satnd on my outhouse roof to see it mind the neighbours looked at me rather strangely but who cares. Sorry no pics i will wait for tommorow for that i just wanted to see and enjoy the moment.:)

Ive had a fab night and i will report back tommorow well today its 2.36am and my eye's have 99 bags of sand on them..

James :)

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Well done James!!!

Like Andy i think i left it too late plus there was a bit of cloud on the western horizon. So couldn't see a thing, will try tonight but forecast isn't good.

Good luck everyone with seeing this little event. And good luck James with the image.


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Viewed it again chaps, i hope you all managed to see it? Just got back from the beach had a fair few people asking me what i was looking at(in a nice way) and for the most part were interested..

Fingers crossed you guys got out there..

James :):):):o:)

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I went do the beach tonight and caught sight!!... could only see Venus & Mercury due to horizon cloud, fantastic site though... thats my first sight of Mercury.

I did take some pictures with my C350 digi zoom camera... they sort of came out, well showed Venus!! :?

Mind you I did manage to also see 25 huge ships parked in the Solent for the fleet review


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Hooray, got to see Venus and Mercury. Also grabbed a photo. Like Rob, it shows Venus well enough but Mercury is there JUST. Will post in a bit.

Saw the fleet review ships yesterday. Will be down there tomorrow evening for the main event. It's spectacular sight, really is. All those carriers next to each other is amazing.


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Too right Russ... I did actually see the last review in 1977!!. Bang goes the age thing again :oops:

Anyway... nice going seeing Venus & Mercury, quite nice sight together.


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Well two out of three ain't bad! Spent half an hour from about 9.10 trying to sweep up Venus with my Tasco's. I know I was looking at the right spot but there were too many rooftops & trees in the way. Unfortunately, not having transport or a nearby very low NW horizon, I'm rather stuffed. Gave up about 9.45 & retired somewhat dejected! :)

I guess that this wasn't supposed to be my conjunction! :)

What made it worse that skies were perfectly clear!

James I will try for NGC7000 after midnight with the binos - though with my luck, I'm not hopeful.

Glad the rest of you fared much better. :)

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Never mind Andy... I knew I would have a problem from the back yard, so headed for the beach (10 mins away from me). I hope you have better luck with binos on 7K m8 :)


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James I will try for NGC7000 after midnight with the binos - though with my luck, I'm not hopeful.

Good luck with that Andy remember to take your time and give it a good 15 mins or so just looking at NGC7000, i rest my binos on a garden fence helps heeps.

James :)

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Well James I gave it a good 15 minutes. Like you, I was able to see a great many stars - but no trace of any nebula. Adding the broadband filter darkened the sky & stars but again there was no nebula either - although for a fleeting moment I thought I could detect a alight haze. Finally, the Ultrablock merely made everything much darker (i.e. the sky background & stars. Definitely I could see no nebula this time.

Never mind!................. :)

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