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LX Webcam imaging


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Got me a LX nodded SPC900 so am hoping to try it out tomorrow on something obvious like M42.

Few quick questions if I may?

What's the best capture software to use? i've got Sharpcap but am having problems with it I don't think can be resolved before tomorrow.

If I'm webcaming, do I need to worry about dark and flats etc?

I've noticed visually, with a coPle of my 2" EPs that stars near the edge are full shaped. Will this effect show up on a webcam image and do I require a flatener to combat it?

Finally, Whats the best software to process the avi into an image? Would Registax work ok?



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Astronomiser recommends using WxAstroCapture, it supports LX modded cameras. I'd say, you probably ought to do darks, and the same with flats, if the dirt on the sensor of my SPC900 is anything to go by (can't get at it to clean it either). I suspect, that the sensor size (crop factor) of the webcam is gonna make M42 way to big to fit in the FOV of view of your scopes... (a webcam gives a focal length equivalent to 8.5x longer than the same thing on a 35mm size sensor, the crop sensor SLR's are 1.6x).

Either way though, good luck with it.

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