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Telescope - Eyepiece Choice

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Hello Everyone,

This is my first post so I apologise if it is not in the right place on the forum.

A friend of mine happens to be selling a newtonion reflector 150/750mm with a (very sturdy looking) equatorial mount, and a 25mm eyepiece. The telescope is marked with "Teleskop Service" in italic characters . It is 100% manual.

It so happens that my other half will be getting a telescope for xmas, and until now I was thinking about getting a Meade ETX-70AT, however I think that might not be as good as this big one for what I am trying to see, i.e. galaxies and planets.

What do you think of this offer, the going price is around 250 euros/165 pounds. Would additional eyepieces be of good use? If so what make/type should I consider?

Thanks alot for your help


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Welcome aboard Dave :D

The TS is very similar to this Skywatcher model:


Whether you choose the Skywatcher or TS, both will be infinitely better than the ETX70.

I suggest you use the eyepieces supplied with the scope first. Later, you will no doubt want to upgrade them and there will be plenty of advice available here.

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Hi Dave - welcome to SGL.

I agree entirely with Steve and Gepetto - the newtonian scope will in be in a different league entirely with regard to what you can see. The ETX70 although cute is pretty limited because of it's small apeture. The 25mm eyepiece would give you a magnification of 30x which is very useful for galaxies, star clusters etc. You will probably want to add a shorter focal length eyepiece in due course to see some more detail on the planets.

The Teleskop Service products are generally good.


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