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Televue advice needed

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I have the chance to buy some seconhand TV EP´s. Quite a few actually.

I don´t really need them all and would sell on the ones I don´t need.

My question is what percentage of the new price could I expect to get?

They are all in excellent condition but are not boxed.

4.8mm Nagler

7mm Nagler

24mm Widefield

15mm Widefield

There are a selection of Plossls also.

thanks for any input.

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There's been a couple of 24mm Widefields for sale recently and they seem to have fetched £80-90.

The Plossls usually sell for £40-50, more for the 32mm.

The T1 4.8mm & 7mm Naglers i have seen sell for anything from £80 to £120.

Start at the top end and reduce until they sell. As already said, the Plossl's will be snapped up. The Widefield models may take some time and a fair bit of reducing to sell.

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