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I have a few christmas £s to spend :)

I suffer from a mild amount of light pollution and i'd like a filter to improve my visual deep sky experiences. My scope is 8", so would i be better off with an OIII or UHC or the like rather than an actual light pollution filter?

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I have an OIII and a UHC, and would agree with the generally held opinion

that a UHC is the most useful filter to get, and is a benefit on more objects.

Not useful on all objects of course, planetary nebs and SN remnants are helped,

and it's no substitute for getting to better less light polluted skies.

I've use an OIII with a 90mm short focus refractor to good effect ( both sides of

the Veil SNR in the same FOV ) so definitely ok with an 8".

But I've not used other filters, so cant comment on those.

HTH, Ed.

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If you suffer from mostly sodium light pollution then a Neodymium filter would suffice. If worse then an IDAS or a CLS filter would be good. The OIII would be expensive and would only be useful on a limted number of targets. As said the UHC filter would limited to nebulae and wouldn't work well on galaxies and star clusters.



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