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Laptop case finished


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Thanks for the tips Glider & martin_h

Here's my new imaging-box, that'll help me reduce cable-mayhem.

In the upper left corner is the 12v powercable, connected to the computer under the top layer of foam.

& upper right corner camera cable & guidecam cable, both connected under foam layer too

And in the bottom right corner a 4 slot USB hub, which is also connected with cable under the foam.

So finally a 'imaging package' that I can just pop open, plug in, & start shooting, with all computer-related cables stored within

(edit. small 'hole' to the left of the laptop is some space I made for the cooling-fan)


Not bad for 49EUR incl hub

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Now all you have to do is cut a hole for the fire extinguisher. :)

Let's hope I'll never need one, but the case is airtight, I'll just slam the lid shut if I see smoke :D

Looks great. :) Hope you don't mind me asking but, how so cheap. Would you mind saying where you got the case from.



Of course I don't mind, I bought the case here in Sweden at a local Chlas Ohlson store, but I just realised they got some stores in the UK too, I found the same case at the english site:

Instrument Case £34.99

I bought the USB hub 2nd hand from a friend, but the same model is available at the site:

USB 2.0 Hub £14.99

Still a pretty good price I'd say



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Have you cut ventilation holes for the laptop? :)

Yup, the channel to the left of the laptop is placed at the vents, & also channels running underneath the computer. I think it'll be enough, since it's usually between -10°C/-20°C here when I'm out imaging (Northern Sweden)

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