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Auto guiding - comedy of errors


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No image to show I'm afraid. Just a report on the ups and downs of getting auto guiding set up. Have been working on this for some time. Can now piggy back my ZS66 or the ED80 onto my NS8. Also have the ZS and ED80 side by side on a super polaris. Have an SXV guide camera to use with the SXV H9 CCD. Software is Maxim DL. Have stripped, cleaned and regreased the Super Polaris. The plan is to work on getting the guiding set up on bad nights for imaging - moon, high cloud etc. When it's clear I'll be following Rogers advice and using binned short unguided exposures until everything is sorted.

Started murky last night so gave it a go. TQuick set up using polar scope but not drifting. Forgot to level the mount in my rush. Took about 10 mins to get maxim to connect to both cameras, will take 20secs in future. Couldn't get the H9 to focus with the ZS66 at all. Tried every combination of ways of moving the camera back from the objective without success. Finally took the lens cap off :shock: :oops: That worked. Then worked on the guider. Couldn't get anything on that so faffed around for ages. Finally the same trick - take the lens cap off :oops: :oops: :oops:

Both cameras working but the dec drive isn't doing anything. Not the end of the world cos RA is what counts, many people advice guiding on RA only. Worked through Maxim instructions step by step (intructions only make sense to me when I am actually on the job), no problem!!! 0.5 sec exposure, star selected, guiding calibrated, default settings, tracking started.

Pointed to M45. No problems with 2 mins except that's more than enough exposure and I can do that unguided so decided to try Ha Horsehead. After faffing around for the perfectly framed and focussed image which was stupid cos that wasn't what the session was about I ran a 10 min exposure. Well that was hopeless, with significant trails or oscillations but along a consistent direction. Think either poor polar alignment, over aggressive guiding, backlash or guidestar too dim (forgot I could tweak the ed 80 using the guide rings to bring up a much brighter star which was right at the edge of the guider image. 5 mins still showing problem.

The frustrating thing was whilst faffing the sky became crystal clear. Couldn't carry on cos had to go to work.

Think I've located the problem, I'd forgotten to tighten a couple of side screws whilst adjusting the backlash and there was loads of play. The backlash would have been horrendous. Also have fixed the dec drive problem - was too tight.

So less bumbling and stupidity next time so should be quicker. Do a short drift align with a level scope. Reduce the guiding aggression and fingers crossed.

Dead chuffed that have got the cameras working together though. The couple of M45 images I got with the ZS66 looked very promising.

Hopefully will have chance to bore you with another report soon.

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