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help with binoculars please

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Well, Ive now given up my telescope as a lost cause, all I seem to see is a blurry haze, I know that living within about 25-30 miles of london dont help, but I did think i would see something,,, anyway enough of my moaning, Ive now decided to but a pair of binoculars, and then if I do drive out to somewhere alot darker they will be alot easier to transport, so, ive done a lil bit of research and found 3 pairs all pretty cheapish, so would like some advice what pair would be best suited to where I live ( near London ).

1..Celestron Skymaster 15 x70

2.. Revelation 15 x 70

3.. Meade 10 x 50

any help or suggestions would be great



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The 10 x 50s would be easier to hand hold for longer, and are ideal for learning

the sky. Many folk do hand hold the very popular 15 x 70s, but unless you have

strong & steady hands they do work best on a tripod, especially for extended use.

Dont know if you are just starting in astronomy ? If so I'd get 10 x 50s, a basic

star map or planisphere and learn the constellations with naked eye & binos.

Best regards, Ed.

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I think the Celestron 15x70s must be very good for the price as a lot of people with excellent optics say they are.

Chris is on a good track too though as with almost any scope and anywhere you should get nice views of the moon, planets (several) and a large number of double stars and other goodies.

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