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Bino viewer with Celestron CPC??

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Hi, does anyone have experience using a WO Binovewer with a CPC??

I had to use the 1.6x additional barlow with my 4" refractor.

I just wondered if it would work on a CPC 800 with out this extra lens. This would keep the magnification down to better levels.


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Hi Bob - yes you can use it with or without the 1.6x barlow - the cpc has a lot of focus throw so it's not too much of a problem focusing either way. I usually have a bit of a juggle with my bits to get a good combination though.

I use a 2" diagonal (WO CF) and an Antares 1.6x barlow which is slightly better quality than the barlow supplied with the binoviewers - but don't overmagnify with the ep's. 15mm - 20mm is more than enough, any higher and it starts getting fuzzy. :)

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Cheers for that. I have a WO 11/4" diagonal and a WO bino viewer.

The Bino came with 20mm eye pieces and I have a pair of 10mm also.

I don`t have any 2" eps nor do I have a 2" diagonal.

Just wondering whether it might be worth changing up to 2" or not.

Do you think any improvement in viewing is worth the extra money?


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Opinion is divided on the 2" diagonals - personally I think the 2" diagonal brightens the image a fair bit and improves the contrast when using bv's - but don't ask me to explain it lol. I just like trying different configurations and settling for the best views I can achieve. I think FLO are doing the WO CF's for around £85 at the moment wich is a great bargain. Mine was £115 from Ace when I got it but it included a 2" SCT adaptor wich you would need. You may get one cheaper in the For Sale section or Astro Buy/Sell. Alternatively the Celestron XLT is great - but so's the price lol :)

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Thanks, I know the bino takes 11/4" eps, I just wondered if the 2" diagonal with reducer would make any difference? I think I`ll wait and see for myself once I get first light on this scope. Believe it or not, my newly bought CPC is still siting in its boxes because I haven`t got my new shed up and running yet!!

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I have used WO binoviewers with my 9.25 Nexstar which is very similar to the CPC and they were wonderful. I did use a 1.25" diagonal and it worked fine. I now use a 2" dielectric diagonal and I think the main benefit is the extra sturdiness and I believe the view is marginally better although I haven't really tested that. I also use a pair of TV 8-24mm zoom eyepieces and find their quality very superior to the supplied eyepieces and although they are quite expensive save having the need for pairs of different focal length.


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That sounds nice! I have recently bought a Pentax 6.5 - 19 but can`t afford two them!

At least I know that I should be in for some decent views through the bino.with my CPC! I think I`ll stick to the 11/4" for now and try to borrow a 2" to compare before buying.

Many thanks, Bob

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If anyone is interested I have a spare 1.6x Antares barlow. Was a pain & expensive to get hold of new. In the end I have only used it once for a few minutes and decided it is not appropriate for the intened use (barlowing a 13mm Ethos) so will be selling it some point. A nice optic (but rather ugly sandwiched between a paracorr and 13mm Ethos - the combo is too heavy).


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