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What's your favourite deep sky object for the summer?


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As someone for whom M8 & M20 doesn't get above the rooftops, it has to be M17 the Swan nebula (AKA the horseshoe nebula, the lobster beula, the omega nebula etc. etc.). This is a nice, bright nebula, though rather low down from the UK, which really does look like a swan. On a night of good transparency, you can make out many of the wisps that make up this nebula.

Here's a picture I took of it last year:


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Very Nice Andy, My personal Fav has to be NGC 7000 from a Dark Site the view can be Stunning esp in Bino's i have found it to be one of those Dso's thats best viewed with the Binos as aposed to imaging it...

M57 can also be vastly rewarding....

James :)

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Thanks James. I must admit that I've never seen the NA - though I also own a pair of 10X50 binos. How distinct is it from a dark sky site? I have to admit that not having a car greatly limits my chances of getting to a dark sky site. :) I've always regarded it as being too faint to be caught by visiual observing & was only able to be caught by imaging.

Is the Pelican also visible?

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Thanks Rob. I've got to say that out of the summer planetaries, I've always favoured the Dumbell over the Ring. I just find its larger size & brightness more of a 'showpiece' to look at. As for the autumn Helix, this is one faint babe that I've never seen. :)

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Great pic Andy. Now thats the sort of image i dream of taking.

I agree with you on M27. Best of the planetary nebula. It even makes a good bino target.

For me galaxies rule the roost. And if i was to narrow it down to just one it would be M81/M82. Well that's two but who's counting.


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Must admit that I've never been 'big' on galaxies Russ. Mainly because they're so darned difficult to capture on film. M81/M82 would be near the top of my list. I think M51 would be my first choice. The Sombrero would also be a top favourite.

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I must admit that I've never seen the NA - though I also own a pair of 10X50 binos. How distinct is it from a dark sky site?

Andy, it's very distinct from a Dark Site and also just within reach from a poor old light polluted light bulb of a place like here...

James :)

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The problemI have with the North American nebula is it's too darn big to view all at once! I consistantly overlook it in the C8 a couple times before I find the Gulf of Mexico and go back. :roll: The Pelican is a good one, though and right next door, so acts as a good sign post.

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