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Using Nikon D40 to take images.


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You need to go into the menu and select manual focus, the camera in normal mode uses lenses with the focus motor built in, so when you mount it on your scope, the camera is not getting the info to say that the lens is attached. To focus you may find it difficult though, best to select something like the Moon and lock the scope on that.

Good luck.


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I ahve a Nikon D60 mate, I set it to manual Bulb setting no need to mess with aperture etc.

You will need a remote (think the d40 uses the ML3 the same as the d60 and can be bought from ebay for a couple of quid) Read the manual on how to enable the remote and away you go. one click of the remote to open the shutter and one click to shut.

The only down side to this is that you have to take every exposure yourself.

You can connect the camera to the PC and use Nikons camera control 2 software but it's very expensive AND will not take long exposures automaticaly over 30 seconds so you are back to standing with your remote. Though the software IS good for getting your focus as you can take pics and view them full size on the laptop/pc and adjust the focus accordingly instead of having to look at the lcd viewing panel.

There is the other option of using the IR remote from shoe string astronomy (There is a uk supplier I'll find the link) so it will do it automatically and you can go get a cup of tea while the images are shot. I think it costs about £70

Shoestring Astronomy DSUSB-IR1 Shutter Control Adapter for Nikon.

and the info from ShoeString The Shoestring Astronomy Store - Shutter Control Products

I get good images with my Nikon and don't let the canon fanboys put you down :)


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