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Harlow, Essex newbie family


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Hello Les and welcome, I tried to show my dad some dso's from his house in Harlow... i gave up due to planes and horrid light pollution so best of luck to u :) i thought living in the city would be bad... Harlow was just horrid :D

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Well, we plumped for one of these as it fits all our requirements:

ease of setting up as I work nights (hang on, and I bought a telescope?? :)) and the other half will somehow have to cope on her own with it;

ease of use, just in case the kids are let loose on it;

not bad size Maksutov-Cassegrain for manageability;

oh, and did I mention we can afford it?

All we need now is...clear skies!!

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My older brother had a 3" entry-level refractor about 30 years ago and now my 8 year old son is into volcanoes & space (he doesn't have to be forced to stand in the garden when looking for meteors, etc...) so I thought it'd be a good time to kick start my interest in it all too (nearly did astronomy as a year 1 subsidiary subject at university whilst attempting to do a Geology degree :) many moons ago).

Quite a lot of streetlighting round here but we are outside the M25 which has got to be a good thing and we are also on the outskirts of the town as well.

Might be popping up to Green Witch in the next couple of days to lay down some hard currency on a 'scope! :D

Both Lee and Neil are very helpful and theres a fair selection of kit to look at. Bakers court is easy to drive past as its a cul de sac, but its only around 50 meters after the entrance, its one of the houses on the right.

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