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Zeiss Jena Telementor 2 question

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Hello Everybody,

I have just returned to my hobby after many years of neglect. I resurrected my trusty Telementor 2 to find everything in perfect working order.

Since the Telementor 2 wasn't originally supplied with a mirror/prism diagonal I never got around to getting one. Such a long time has passed that I am out of touch with how and what to buy.

Is there anyone out there who could tell me exactly what I need and where to get it?. Without such an accessory I am afraid my neck will certainly suffer.



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Hi BeeJay. I cannot recal if the focuser on the Telementor takes

1.25" accessories. If it does, then I would get a top quality mirror

diagonal to match the fine optics of your scope.

If the focuser takes .96" accessories, then hybrid .96" to 1.25" diagonals

are available, to allow standard 1.25" eyepieces to be used. That could

cause vignetting on a low power eyepiece, 32mm or 40mm.

HTH, Ed.

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