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First planetary sketch - no laughing


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Yes, I did it!! Not a five year old with a crayon by the way.

I have never been able to draw at all freehand - not bad of I can measure it and use tools to do tech drawing etc.

Here goes. I did this last night as I wanted to spend some time on Jupiter although it was not an ideal night as the seeing was somewhat rough and I was trying out contact lenses for observing for the first time - the jury is out but maybe I need to get used to them - the view seemed a bit 'watery' and like I had constant 'sleep' in my eyes (i.e. gunk). enough of my excuses. I at least managed to record some features as well as a moon transit (Ganymede). I also saw a partial transit of Europa before I went to bed. Did anyone else thing that as Ganymede appeared on one side as Europa approached on the other that Jupiter looked like a giant frog face or had I had too much wine?

here's the drawing.

I drew the features I could see for sure and then smudged them to make then a little more subtle as they were in life.

Not perfect but for me I am quite pleased - looks a little 'Manga' style to my eyes - although others might think more Mango.


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Nothing wrong with that! You have drawn what you saw - which is important. It may be worthwhile, whilst the image is still fresh in youe mind, to re-draw your sketch whilst sitting comfortably - you will find that it is far easier. I always scribble notes around my drawings so I have a reference as to what I saw, I also label "shades" with a "scale" of "percent between black =0% and white =100%" that is entirely of my own! - It works for me.

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Excellent, Shane! :) TBH though, i'd forget about re-doing it. Sketches done at the eyepiece contain a charming purity, and you've captured it quite well. Concentrate on the subject matter, and not in producing a pretty picture... that will come naturally. Trust me. :(

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Your sketch reminds me of a wanted poster ( - one eyed miscreant in stripey t shirt)! :)

Seriously though it's good to sketch as I think it encourages one to concentrate more so you see more & get more out of observing than if looking casually (& remember the experience more) - I am the proud doer of at least......7 sketches in my life,


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Your sketch reminds me of a wanted poster ( - one eyed miscreant in stripey t shirt)! :)

Seriously though it's good to sketch as I think it encourages one to concentrate more so you see more & get more out of observing than if looking casually (& remember the experience more) - I am the proud doer of at least......7 sketches in my life,


ha ha cheers Alan

I think it's fair to say that I am so bad at drawing etc that I won't have a style as each one will be completely different!

I think I'll have a bit more success with star fields as they are more 'geometric' than 'art'. we'll see - I now have a 'proper' sketchbook and I plan to use it! :(

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