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EQMOD with HEQ5 Pro problem

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I've made up a cable to connect a usb/serial adapter to my HEQ5 Pro mount with the intention of using EQMOD (EQASCOM v122d). I don't have a GOTO controller. I used an RJ45 connector to go into the hand controller port having correctly identified the RXD, TXD & GND connections to the DB9 and buzzed them out. I'm not able to connect (times out) with any software. I have the latest ASCOM platform. I'm wondering if I should be using the guide port (RJ11), but the EQMOD site and retailers of (expensive!) connectors seem to show RJ45. Can anyone confirm which connector it should be please, before I spend another few hours on possibly the wrong one! If it is the RJ11, do you have connection pinout?


PS usb/serial device correctly registered in device manager as com5 and that port configured in EQMOD.

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If I have read your post correctly, you are trying to connect your computer directly to the mount through your cable. This won't work, you need an EQDIR module to act as an interface between the mount and the computer. One side of the EQDIR module connects to either a serial or usb port and the other side to the hand controller port on the mount.


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I thought the EQDIR module was just an RS232 line level converter? I'm going through USB.

Edit: The EQMOD site shows 2 connect options, EQDIRECT RS232, and EQDIRECT USB so I used the latter example. My usb/serial adapter is basically just an ftdi chip.

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Hi, this is the second time this month that this has come up. Have a search of this forum for a similar sounding thread. The mount requires 5V TTL levels not RS232 levels. The EQMOD website also points out not to use the 3V version of USB lead.

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Thanks Peter and Glider. Couldn't find a relevant post on the forum.

I'm a little confused - what I've 'built' is a cable to connect my USB/Serial adapter to an RJ45, that's all. Unless I am reading it wrong, according to the EQDIRECT page you have 2 options (see 'Edit' on my 2nd post) - an RS232 converter to plug in to a serial port on the PC (if you have one), which as far as I can see just is a line level converter using a max232 chip, OR to use a usb/serial adapter direct to an RJ45. Have I read it wrong?

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It's perhaps the general use of the term 'usb/serial converter' that causes the problems.

To most people serial seems to mean 'RS232'.

In this case it means serial data format at 5V TTL voltage levels. I've built the same lead as you, I bought a USB to serial 5V TTL adaptor (Farnell £12) as per the web page and spliced the end of a network cable onto it to get the RJ45 end.

It works fine, if that is what you have done then we should be able to talk you through getting it working.

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Damnit - I've just opened up my adapter and it uses an FT232BM chip, which is 3V3. More expense - thanks for the farnell link Glider. Might have a trip to Maplins tomorrow, but I can just hear it now - Is it 5V signalling? errrm....

to Beamish - "usb/serial device correctly registered in device manager as com5"

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Just an update. Thanks to Acme I now have said correct cable, and my HEQ5 is now happily talking to EQMOD, Stellarium etc.

To summarise, you don't need an expensive EQDIR module unless you want to use an old fangled serial port. The part no. of the cable, made by ftdi, is TTL-232R-5V-WE. WE = wire ended, so you then need to either cannibalise an ethernet cable or add your own RJ45, utilizing RJ45 pins 4=ground, 5=RXD, 6=TXD. Wire colours for the ftdi cable are (at present - best to check ftdi datasheet!), black=ground, yellow=RXD, orange=TXD. Note that RJ45 pin nos are established looking at the gold pins side, 1=left. On an ethernet cable, best to buzz out the pins with the end of the wires, just to be sure you have the right ones - it's easy to make a mistake with 1/2 the wires being white & another colour.

Edit - you'll need a driver for the cable, also available on the ftdi site.

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