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can anyone recommend a good field guide

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Hi all- can anyone recommend a good book/field guide to deep sky objects that you can take to the telescope.

I have and 8” dob and the usual Cambridge star atlas and S&T pocket sky atlas which are good, but was looking for something with a bit more information on the object with-in each constellation and with charts showing their position.

I was also looking for something that would show a bit more info than just the Messier objects but maybe not the full ngc list just some of the best/brighter objects.

I have been told the Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders: From Novice to Master Observer (DIY Science) is possibly what I am looking for- does anyone have any advice?

Many Thanks

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Try The Monthly Sky Guide. It shows a constellation for each month and the positions of many DSO's, Messiers and NGC and some other things, within them.

It shows the DSO's, little infomation on some per month/constellation. But it is not a specific DSO guide.

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I will echo what Brantuk has said " Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders " some 519 pages of photos, star maps, diagrams and how to find for each subject covered, DSO, doubles, star clusters etc, etc, which can be seen in each constellation, using binos, and small to medium scopes, highly recommended.

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Will Tyrion's SKY ATLAS 2000.0. Maps 43,000 stars down to 8th mag. including doubles & variables & 2500 deep-sky objects, just right for an 8 inch scope. Has large pages & you can get a laminated version for those dewy or occasional shower-nights.


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I would echo brantuck and glowjet's endorsement of the "Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders" It is a seriously useful book that you would want at your side. Having said that, I agree with Alan regarding the Sky Atlas 2000.0 in which the maps are larger and more detailed which makes finding stuff easier and the laminated version is useful when you start dribbling at the prospect of what you might discover.:):D However, it is only an atlas with no accompanying descriptions or notes.

To be honest you could do what I did and get both. There isn't the perfect book like there isn't the perfect scope but with these two next to your scope, you can start focusing on buying other gear. :(:D


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Hi all-thanks for the advice, I will take a look at all your recommendations. The Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders sounds like it may be what I am looking for.

Many Thanks

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But still get yourself a SkyAtlas 2000!!! Gorgeous, a joy, a treasure...


Yes they are lovely to look at. Having recommended the atlas I have to admit that I use Redshift 4 software to find objects now as I can find the exact position of faint objects instead of scanning an area with a wide field eyepiece. The software enables this by displaying most of the stars I can see with my scope so I can find the precise location in the eyepiece & concentrate there.

This means I am constantly running back & forth between the computer in the back room & the scope outside, which is quite a useful exercise, especially on a particularly cold night !


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Will Tyrion's SKY ATLAS 2000.0. Maps 43,000 stars down to 8th mag. including doubles & variables & 2500 deep-sky objects, just right for an 8 inch scope. Has large pages & you can get a laminated version for those dewy or occasional shower-nights.


But still get yourself a SkyAtlas 2000!!! Gorgeous, a joy, a treasure...


Thanks Alan and Olly- I have ordered the Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders for now and I will put the SkyAtlas on my Christmas wish list.

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