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Yee Ha! Got my new 200P DS

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Picked up my new SW 200P DS* yesterday. Spent most of the afternoon putting it together and trying to get to grips with all the bells & whistles. Thanks astro baby for your excellent articles on polarscope collimation, performed from my living room last night (hope the neighbours didn't spot me pointing at an aerial 1/2 mile away!). Feel pretty confident I can polar align it WHEN THE SKIES CLEAR, d'oh.

Put it up on the lawn this afternoon to have a look at the sun. Took me ages to figure out why I couldn't get focus with the 2" 28mm, 'til I realised there was an extension tube in the box. Stunning view of sunspots 1112, 1113 (through Baader film of course). Went indoors to get the DSLR; guess what happened next, grrr. Still, I proved that the mount (HEQ5 pro) was tracking seemingly properly.

Forecast says it should be clearer by 10pm, so hoping to look at the heavens for the first time with this scope (90mm SW Mak before). Hoping....

Project for the rest of the afternoon, re-housing my Logitech ccd into a little black box.


* From The Telescope Shop (MC2) at Frome. Excellent service, very competitive price - thanks Charles

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Well, interesting evening with the seeing quite nice. Nearly blinded myself looking at the lovely moon and took a couple of stills - nothing to write home about, but a lot easier than my old 90mm. Decided to have a go at polar aligning to find that Astro Baby's website was down and I hadn't printed the instructions from yesterday, dang. Shifted over to Jupiter and had some oohs and ahs at that through the 10mm Plossl. Using the DSLR on that was hopeless - just too small and I haven't got a Barlow yet.

So shifted over for a mooch around Cassiopeia as there's lots of interesting things to look at there. Spent a good 15 mins just wondering at the Double Cluster - beautiful. Saw many other interesting 'things', un-named to me as yet.

All in all well pleased, but a stark realisation that I have just got sooo much to learn!

Incidentally, mounted the Telrad other side of the finderscope (have wedge shaped dents in my forehead to prove it), but it was the only thing to mist up tonight.

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Congratulations, David!

That green light you see in your southwestern sky is only the reflection of my envy coming all the way from Texas!

Being a complete newb myself, my purchase debate is dob vs newt - largely an issue of funds for me. Your setup sounds like my ideal gear.

Look forward to hearing further reports.

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