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Breathable lens caps


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Does anyone know if these exist...

I'm just wondering if they might help when putting a damp telescope to bed. Many's the night I have left the cap off my 12" dob over night because it's late and I can't be bothered waiting an hour or so for the fog on the mirror to lift. I leave it horizontal to limit the amount of dust collecting on the mirror, but I often wonder if some kind of breathable dust cap might not be a solution. I'm not talking goretex here, just a fine mesh or even some kind of fabric that will keep off the dust but allow the moisture to escape.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to consider this, so if there's anyone out there who uses something along these lines then please let me know. And if there isn't. Then I might just get onto the patents office!



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I think you are being a bit too fussy. If my dob is dewed up at bed time I just leave the caps off both the scope and eyepieces and by morning they are dry.

A little dust on the mirror won't do any harm and should blow off quite easy.

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