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Obsy almost complete , at last !


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Well , apart from the cosmetic bits n bobs. The Pier is installed, and ready to be set up ( PA'ed ) .

Took a lot longer than I had thought it would , work , life, and rain all played there part in an 8 week delay.

I had to change the roof idea. It was originally going to be heavy hinges on the sides for the roof to ''flip'' over. That idea had to be scrapped, Newton's Law of Gravity was to much for the side panels , lol. I did not have the room for for a RORO. So I ( maybe) have the first LOLO ( Lift Off , Lift On ) :mrgreen:

So here's a few wee pics of the Pier set in the shed.






Need to trim up some felt at te roof edges. The bungee cord is to hold the apex cap on the roof whilst not in use. We have had horrendous rain last few nights , dry as a bone inside so looking good. I will possibly look to change / adapt the roof design later on .AAt the moment it does the intended job.

Going to spend a couple of nights fine tuning the mount position so as to get as accurate as possible for guiding .

Thanks for looking.

Clear Skies


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Hi Pete

Interesting build. Your pier looks like air-con tubing. I have a similar length of this stashed in my shed ready to be incorporated into a RORO. Your pics are great, in that they show me what my build may look like!

What diameter tube is yours? I have 2 pieces - one is around 5" daimeter and I think may be on the small side, the other around 10" and will cost a fortune to fill with concrete!



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Hi Pete

What diameter tube is yours? I have 2 pieces - one is around 5" daimeter and I think may be on the small side, the other around 10" and will cost a fortune to fill with concrete!



Kevin , the diameter is 200mm (8") and it is Air-Con , courtesy of Gary1969 (thanks Gaz), who also machined the Pier top for me.

Concrete is cheap, B&Q are doing a deal on ready mixed bag (25Kg) , £4.73 per single bag , £3.78 per bag if you buy five or more. Other option is bulk tonne bags from builders merchant. I was qouted just over £200 for a company to deliver and barrow in a metric tonne.

Once the concrete is in , it aint going anywhere ! As I said I shall probs look at the roof after the Winter , a LO LO will soon become tedious I think and at four inthe morning ,possibly a tad bit noisey when putting back on !!!

Weather is **** today ,so tomorrow I shall be doing the wee trim up jobs . I really want a clear night tomorrow so as to get the mount nice and tight as far as PA is concerned. Maybe try Drift technique as well to really nail it ?

Clear Skies


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Thanks guys, been a while in the making as I also had to redesign the garden at the same time. That kept me very busy and I had huge workload at work over the last six months. Colleague was off six months and it had a major impact on my workload. Anywhoo....

I have a very small garden ( 36x30 ) , see thats another problem up here, LAND , or the lack of it . The main population are all cramped into what we call the Central Belt. As a result garden space is limited almost everywhere.

I had a problem with a neighbours front door light but they have kindly allowed me to cover this with a shield anytime I want to at night , Brill.

There are two street lamps that are at the rear of the garden, one is not to bad but the other I will make a blind for it to block the light spill.

Here's a few pics of the garden , taken from upstairs to show the size. Excuse the quality please , I had scan pics , misplaced the SD card ( [removed word] ! ) The second picture shows the position where the shed is .



View from the back gate , looking almost NW


Tomorrow I hope to tidy up the wee bits n bobs . No PA tonight , right on cue for my first night off work , wall to wall cloud.

Clear Skies


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Kevin , the diameter is 200mm (8") and it is Air-Con , courtesy of Gary1969 (thanks Gaz), who also machined the Pier top for me.

Concrete is cheap, B&Q are doing a deal on ready mixed bag (25Kg) , £4.73 per single bag , £3.78 per bag if you buy five or more. Other option is bulk tonne bags from builders merchant. I was qouted just over £200 for a company to deliver and barrow in a metric tonne.


I guess you're right. I think the larger tube will be best. I can also then put a plastic tube inside before filling with concrete to act as a conduit for any cables and leads.

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