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matt c

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hi all

Just bagged M33 with the bins, and let me tell you faint ain't the word. This is the first time I've actually managed to see it, it's literally one shade lighter than the surrounding sky. It appears as just hazy patch in my light polluted skies, and I was surprised I saw it at all. I might have another go in a month or so when it's higher in the sky. :o

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I spent quite a while searching for it with my scope but just could not pin it down eventually I located it with my 10 x 50's as you said faint aint the word. My skies are pretty dark and even now knowing its location its still hard to find in the dob but I think I have just about made out a hint of a spiral in its structure.

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I was searching for M33 using my 10x40's last night. I located M31 okay (Which I was quite chuffed about :() but I couldn't find M33 unfortunately.

I also went looking for NGC 891, which TUBA described as an "edge on galaxy". I think I saw a thin, faint line in the area where I was looking, but I soon lost it and wasn't able to pick it up again, so it may have been a reflection.

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