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2ND Atempt at CCD


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Had another go at this ccd imaging...

I have no tools other than DSS and CS1 so I had to manually stack and overlay the 2x2 binned RGB onto the 1x1 Lum.. :)

Crikey... its hard work but fun..:)

Looking for easy routines ... help! :icon_eek:


M33 , ATIK 314L+ , 600/6 scope.. Guided


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So Guy you have entered the expensive fiddly world of RGB cooled CCD. Yes hard work getting it and hard work processing it all.

Not a bad start and like the Pacman image the best. The core with M33 is too bright and the arms too faint and gradients have to be removed before RGB assembly. You need hours and hours of data to get the best image which is not so easy under UK skies, some bin colour to save time which works quite well when combined with hi res Luminance.

A great cheap tool is Noel's Actions but needs CS2 or better for 16bit but will work in 8bits with PS Elements - Uses single press buttons to do involved things for beginners including gradient removal. I use MaximDL for gradient removal and RGB assembly. Using layers in PS is a fantastic tool to give attention to specific parts of the image especially when combined with Action's.


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Hi John, Ive got Photoshop CS4 & Noels tools & his Spikes but sadly they are stuck on a hard drive that refuses to boot, the CS4 disk is lost at work .. Mmn My local Pc repairer is trying to salvage the HDD using an identical HDD... I wont hold my breath.

I have trialled the MaxDl once before , I found it confusing but I'll give it another shot.

I have to young kids, both have far to much homework, if CCD imaging is going to be complicated and slow I'll sell up and carry on with the DSLR.



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CCD imaging is neither complicated or slow as you will find out when you have been through the process from beginning to end a few times.

Can you re-size or double the size of your binned frames in s/w that you own? That's the way to go, always re-size first then calibrate, align, combine and finally stretch and polish in PS. CS will handle 16 bit.


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Don't even contemplate throwing the towel in Guy.

I would take heed of Dennis's words, I am a newbie to CCD too, but there is no shortage of help and advice here, and I'm not too proud to ask . We will soon get the hang of it :).


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OK... i found this on the web..

Created by Camtasia Studio 3

Had another crack and am pleased that I'm making a little progress... ;)

Lack of RGb is the problem, also I could find how to batch upscale the binned images so I made a photoshop ATN and did it by upscaling the image...

Comments welcome,, advise greatly appreciated :)

Why is my galaxy back to front? the arm are spinning the wrong way???




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