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Oh WoW


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Im out too, very clear here in worcestershire :D

Ive just finished ngc6992 (veil west), now im working on the heart nebula, next im going to try and grab the helix nebula (low & tough), finally finishing off with another blast at M45. First time with the beklin usb hub too, I opted not to power it and it still works like a charm :eek: so its byebye cable drag!


just processed this on the fly, so it might not be perfect yet.


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how may subs did you use? And what software do you use to process/stack?

I find maxim handles 10min subs well with 30 bias, 10 dark, 15 flats. If youre working on m31 now watch the processing as its easy to blow the core (still not happy with mine).

Oh, Ive had a fiddle with your pic, difficult to operate on a jpg but i managed to bring out a few more stars with a histogram stretch, then sharpen in psp.


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if you could cast an eye over my image id appreciate it :eek:

Focus looks fine to me, and there is some lovely natural star colour showing....typical...first clear night in ages and I have to pack in early as we're off on hols tomorrow morning :D

Have a great night's imaging :)


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What a fabulous evening!

This is the first night I can call a night of decent seeing since mid-March. The high altitude haze has gone! :D

The Milky Way stood out vividly here tonight too.

Got my first light in with the 200p dob, and what a 'scope. I hit 300 x magnification on Jupiter (8mm Hyperion 2 x Barlow'd) with no problem at all, and the collimation looks to be ok, hehehehe. :eek:

Sis and her fiance (both first time with a 'scope, had their socks blown off, and her fiance had never seen the Milky Way before, so a great night for him), and dad, had great views of Jupiter, Pleides, and the double cluster.

I really, really missed the 30 x magnification EP though, so didn't wander around much, and don't get on too well with the straight through finder (have to get a telrad sorted fairly soon I think).

Got a 'tide me over' 38mm EP on its way to me next week, then things will be on a more familiar footing again. :)

What an awesome night. B)

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