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Sorry about the cryptic first post, I have doused my laptop containing the files with liquid, and had to remove the keyboard, so just pasted the above with some pasted text. Had to move up into the obs to post this message.

This is a single unaltered frame plucked at random from a load of stuff from last night. It shows Io about to transit Jupiter, the GRS, and the shadow of Io.

To get the image I shoved a camcorder onto a cheap 25mm eyepiece, taped them together, and whopped them both into my C9.25, and hit record. What I like about this method is that the kids and family/guests can see on the camcorders LCD what the scope sees.

I have loads of movies to go through, and hopefully try avistack on them, but I havent used it before, I dont know if it will work on mjpegs.



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I did that for my first image 4 years ago with a heavy camcorder on Saturn and just got the rings but image was poor but yours shows banding and GRS. Hope your lappy makes a recovery.


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.....well, if that's a single frame from the avi/video and I can see one of the Jovian Moons right on the edge of Jupiter (RHS) about to transit and its shadow on the disk of Joop (haven't looked to see which it might be).....I'd say get going and stack them in Registax (I've got a tute here on SGL in the approriate section.....)

Yuo could be "pleasantly surprised" about the outcome....!:D

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