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Broadhurst Clarkson 80mm f/11

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Dug out an old telescope - belonged to my fiancees grandfather. It's a Broadhurst Clarkson & Co. 80mm objective with about 900mm focal length. Comes on an enormous wooden tripod with an old style equatorial mount, motorised. I would guess it's from circa 1950? Anybody know anything about this scope? Is it worth anything (it's not for sale)? Looks like it accepts 0.925" eyepieces (going to whip up a swift mod to use my 1.25"s on it). Can eyepieces still be bought for such a scope?

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In decent condition, I believe those are considered rather collectable. The chap that runs Skylight Telescopes (link below) specialises in vintage scopes of that type and could probably tell you a lot more. I have an old BC&F Brochure from the 1970's when they were still making them and they were not cheap !.

Skylight Telescopes

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I suspect that this scope would use RAS threaded eyepieces?

As Jahmanson advised, Richard Day at Skylight Telescopes is both knowledgeable and helpful and could probably point you in the right direction.

Also, Linton Guise in Bedford, who posts here from time to time, is very knowledgeable and a good all round chap:)...a friend of his made me a very nice brass adapter to allow an RAS threaded focuser to be used with 1.25 standard EPs.

Last but not least...have a look at the Vintage and Classic forum on SGL. Some good knowledge lurking there, and Philjay in particular knows his "old onions":)

Can we see some pics of your scope?



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Can't put any pics on just now - posting from my iPhone and I'm in Wales where we our broadband is still waiting to come online. I'll put pics up in the next couple of days. Got a couple of probs with the scope, upon further inspection: needs a new finder (objective cracked :D ) and the RA motor is missing it's power lead. Also the OTA could do with a respray. Optics are in fine form though and the mount, whilst being a beast, is spot on. Huge chunky thing it is! Gonna put it head to head with my dob next chance I get. Only tested on terrestrial targets so far, because of the cloud situation!

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