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Anyone studying with the Open University?


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I had just looked at Rosanella's question about the UCLAN and was wondering has anyone did the Open University ones.

I see a few have done the S282 and some of the residential schools and by the looks of it, you enjoyed them. Hopefully I will start doing S282 next year but was wondering did yous do any courses before that? I'm starting off with S104 Exploring Science then MST121 Using Mathematics. I have already done S196 Planets and currently doing S151 Maths for Science.

Just wondering if anyone is in the same boat as me?

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i am working my way through but started with the s194 intro to astronomy and hopefully starting the intro to planets


What are you planning to do after that? You going for a Degree or anything? I enjoyed S196, did it in the 8 Weeks fairly intensive but nothing to bad.

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I have just finished AA1051 at UCLAN, which I think was a great course. Doing Cosmology this coming year, and I am really excited. Only complaint is that the Uni seems to be a bit slow in replying to enquiries, but apart from that was excellent. Not expensive, either.

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I've done the following astro-related courses via the OU, all are great but my fave, by far was SXR208! Excellent but I think next year is the last year they're doing it.

S196 (Planets)

S194 (Astronomy)

S286 (Planetary Science & the search for life - all textbook based astrobiology/ astrophysics) goes hand in hand with....

SXR208 (Observing the Universe Residential course based in Observatory Mallorca - it's basically Astrophysics, spectroscopy that sort of thing...)

If you have any queries about any of the courses feel free to ask.



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I have the materials for S383, "The Relativistic Universe" that runs for the first time next year. Looks extremely interesting - there are two books, "Gravitation, Relativity and Cosmology" and "Extreme Environment Astrophysics". The maths looks challenging to say the least :).

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Quite a few people doing course's in it, so thats good to hear.

Shaula: Yip your correct SXR208 is going but I think there replacing it at the end of this year with another course like it. So fingers crossed. Are you looking a qualification out of it?

Jove: Again thats another course thats in my plan, just out of curiosity, what level of maths are you at. Thats the bit that concerns me and why I'm doing S151 and MST121 to start off with

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Hi Gibby,

I'm meandering to what will hopefully be a Maths & Astronomy degree in essence if not name. So far I've done M208, MST209 and MS324. I'd serioulsy consider MS221 and MST209 before trying S383 or S382 (Astrophysics). They both involve a lot of calculus, and S383 also uses tensors and differential geometry, both of which currently rate as 'scary' in my book! My plan is to get reasonably good at maths before doing much of the astronomy - I think GR and Cosmology will be mind-bending enough without finding the maths a struggle too.

On the plus side all the maths courses I've done have been really interesting. M208 almost got me doing more pure maths instead of astronomy, the fever passed, though :)

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I have the materials for S383, "The Relativistic Universe" that runs for the first time next year. Looks extremely interesting - there are two books, "Gravitation, Relativity and Cosmology" and "Extreme Environment Astrophysics". The maths looks challenging to say the least :).

Is the first book that you mentioned

Amazon.com: Relativity, Gravitation, and Cosmology: A Basic Introduction (Oxford Master Series in Physics)…

I have many books on relativity and cosmology, but this is one that I don't have. It is rated very highly.

If at any time you feel like discussing any of the relativity, cosmology, or maths, feel free to contact me (or not). I really enjoy playing around with the conceptual and quantitative aspects of relativity.

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Not that Relativity, Gravitation and Comsology, but this Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology. Both look good! Amazon caught me in impressionable mood and I fell for the 'Frequently bought together' thing with Extreme Environment Astrophysics and Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis. That web site is frighteningly good at getting money out of me:eek:

Always good to find there are other people interested in this stuff! I might start a thread on the science sub-forum once I get my teeth into the books.

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Quite a few people doing course's in it, so thats good to hear.

Shaula: Yip your correct SXR208 is going but I think there replacing it at the end of this year with another course like it. So fingers crossed. Are you looking a qualification out of it?

Yep, I'm working towards a Geosciences Degree (will be complete next November) All the other courses I've done are geology & environmental... just Level 3 geology left (walking in Scottish highlands - aaargh) & Geohazards (my choice of subject so could be anything from flooding to Tsunamis - should be interesting!)

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Looks like plenty of people are doing and enjoying courses, so thats good news. my plan for my degree is

Level 1's

S196 : Planets: An Introduction, 10pt, Started May 2010 ended July 2010 (In the end the way the courses go this may not even count towards it.)

S151 : Maths for Science, 10pt Starts Sept

S104 : Exploring Science, 60pt, Starting in Oct 2010 ending June 2011 (Registered)

SXR103 : Practising Science, 10pt residential school, July 2011

MST121 : Using Mathematics, 30pt Starting Jan 2011 if I think I can handle 90pt’s for 6 Months ???

Level 2′s

S282 : Astronomy, 30pt

S283 : Planetary science and the search for life, 30pt

SXR208 : Observing the Universe, 10pt Residential School

MST209 : Mathematical methods and models, 60pt

Level 3′s

S382 : Astrophysics, 30pt

S383 : The relativistic Universe, 30pt

SM358 : The quantum world, 30pt

SMXR358 : Quantum mechanics, 10pt Residential School

SXP390 : Science project course: radiation and matter, 30pt

Some of these courses are due to change in the next few years but should give a good indication of my path.

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Looks like an interesting choice of courses there & I think that's the most important thing. I've had a few courses I found really dull & wanted to chuck myself off the bridge by the end of the year but you have to take the rough with the smooth I guess.

Best of luck to you.


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SMXR359 : Quantum mechanics, 10pt Residential School

It seems that the course code and the course title don't match. I think you mean SMXR358.

Some of these courses are due to change in the next few years but should give a good indication of my path.

I hope to say more later (maybe even later today), but I've got to get to work, so, for now:

Good luck!

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It seems that the course code and the course title don't match. I think you mean SMXR358.

I hope to say more later (maybe even later today), but I've got to get to work, so, for now:

Good luck!

Yip your correct it should a been SMXR358, was wrong in my blog as well so thanks for pointing that out.

Any feedback is most welcome :)

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Looks like plenty of people are doing and enjoying courses, so thats good news. my plan for my degree is

Level 1's

S196 : Planets: An Introduction, 10pt, Started May 2010 ended July 2010 (In the end the way the courses go this may not even count towards it.)

S151 : Maths for Science, 10pt Starts Sept

S104 : Exploring Science, 60pt, Starting in Oct 2010 ending June 2011 (Registered)

SXR103 : Practising Science, 10pt residential school, July 2011

MST121 : Using Mathematics, 30pt Starting Jan 2011 if I think I can handle 90pt’s for 6 Months ???

Level 2′s

S282 : Astronomy, 30pt

S283 : Planetary science and the search for life, 30pt

SXR208 : Observing the Universe, 10pt Residential School

MST209 : Mathematical methods and models, 60pt

Level 3′s

S382 : Astrophysics, 30pt

S383 : The relativistic Universe, 30pt

SM358 : The quantum world, 30pt

SMXR358 : Quantum mechanics, 10pt Residential School

SXP390 : Science project course: radiation and matter, 30pt

Some of these courses are due to change in the next few years but should give a good indication of my path.

Hello :)

May I ask

1) why are you inflicting yourself 90points in *6 months*?

Do you like pain? :D

2) why are you not including MS221 (Exploring mathematics) and jumping from MST121(Using Mathematics) to MST209,(Mathematical methods and models) ?

It's one heck of a jump! Are you *absolutely* sure you want to inflict this too to yourself?

60 points courses are ample already. 90 it's going to be not just grueling but self-flagellation ... just a thought...

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Hello :)

May I ask

1) why are you inflicting yourself 90points in *6 months*?

Do you like pain? :D

2) why are you not including MS221 (Exploring mathematics) and jumping from MST121(Using Mathematics) to MST209,(Mathematical methods and models) ?

It's one heck of a jump! Are you *absolutely* sure you want to inflict this too to yourself?

60 points courses are ample already. 90 it's going to be not just grueling but self-flagellation ... just a thought...

Hi Rosanella thanks for the input, the 6 month bit with S104 and MST121 prob wont happen now, I copied the list above from my blog but hadn't updated it. My new timetable is in the study calendar. My thinking at that stage was im not that busy with work during the winter months and could cram lots in, but in reading reviews etc about S104 it can be hard going and fast paced so postponing MST121 until Oct 2011.

As for the maths courses I am following the route suggested by the OU here. They seem to think it is possible to skip MST221 and be ok. However the reality could be much different so nothing is set in stone yet.

Have you any experience with the maths courses, always good to get advice from people who have done them or along the same lines as them?


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Hi Rosanella thanks for the input, the 6 month bit with S104 and MST121 prob wont happen now...

Good :D At least you'll still have a life :)

Any 60 points course is loaded with stuff to read, absorb and understand and TMAs can be lengthy. So, a little extra time will enable you to actually enjoy the course or you'll be simply cramming in information that will be forgotten shortly after the exam (unless you're one of those who have a brain like Jupiter, in which case in won't matter.)

I remember that by block D of MS221 there was not much time to enjoy very intriguing and interesting topics like Cryptography, for instance, because the date of exam was steadily approaching and revising was more important but a final TMA still needed to be sent in.


As for the maths courses I am following the route suggested by the OU here. They seem to think it is possible to skip MST221 and be ok. However the reality could be much different so nothing is set in stone yet.

Have you any experience with the maths courses, always good to get advice from people who have done them or along the same lines as them?


The 60 points Maths courses are 'big'; there's lots to do but it's important to have good foundations. I think that MST121 or similar, then MS221 will prepare well for any other course

were Maths & Physics are part & parcel of the course. Even S282 Astronomy has quite a bit of Maths & Physics, so I'm told.

MST209 is the OU 'applied Maths' version of 'Applied Mathematics' but with lots and lots of modeling, very lengthy TMA questions, lots of complex differentiation and Integration that you would understand if you've covered it at the level of MS221 which is not covered in MST121. So, beware.

Naturally, if you do have already a good understanding of Physics at least at A level standard, then you'll get through MST209 without too much of a problem, but if you do not, it will be simply a grueling, far from enjoyable experience (hence my dropping it and moving to Cert High in Physics & Maths elsewhere before heading towards S207 & MST209 next year).

If you have already access to First Class to access various OUSA's forums, I strongly recommend to pay a visit to the forums for each course you'll be taking and get some feedback there.

Hope my ramblings have given you some ideas that will assist you in planning your path to the BSc without loosing sight of the fact that learning should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience :)

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This is probably a stupid question, but can anyone do an astonomy course at the OU? I mean I've always been very arts and languages inclined and am about to start a masters course in English lit, but after I finish could I do a course in astronomy considering I haven't studied the sciences beyond GCSE?

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Rosanella:- thanks for all that I will have to play the maths parts by ear then, at least its not for 2-3 years away that stage. Also would you recommend doing MS221 Exploring Mathematics before MS282 and MS283, I know you havn't done them but from what you have heard?

Space Oddity:- Yes anyone can start them. My last study was GCSE's 16 years ago in school, at that stage I got good results and liked the maths subjects. With my degree im starting with a few short course just cos im a bit rusty and dont want to jump in at the deep end.

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I only did GCSE's but did engineering after that and its my hobby so I did have a little grounding. It is very interesting and thorough. If you have a healthy interest in the subject ie your hobby you will love it. I learnt so much and it made me have a few 'oh thats why that does that' moments haha.

If you have the spare time go for it.


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Also if interested in doing any courses have a look at the Financial Support section. I have 2 girls that work for me who are also starting courses, I initially told them I would pay for there courses, but when they looked into it both are now getting £800 paid for by the financial support so isn't costing me a penny. They said if they had of know that before they would have started long ago.

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This is probably a stupid question, but can anyone do an astonomy course at the OU? I mean I've always been very arts and languages inclined and am about to start a masters course in English lit, but after I finish could I do a course in astronomy considering I haven't studied the sciences beyond GCSE?

Hello Space Oddity :D

It's not stupid at all, wise actually.

I think that you'll enjoy the Astronomy courses (and stress less :) ) if you study at least the OU S151 Maths for Sciences as I assume that your GCSE Maths was a little while away and Mathematics, like any other game, needs to be played on a regular basis ;D You could start with S151 Maths for Sciences and the S194 Introduction to Astronomy both 10 points which they should both give you a good intro to Maths & Astronomy without overwhelming yourself. Once you're enrolled with OU you'll have access to the OUSA forums and access the relevant forum to your interest, e.g S282 Astronomy, S283 Planetary Sciences etc etc. and do visit them to see what other's experience is with the subject. Once you've completed these 2 you'll have a pretty good idea of your study progress and the workload you can handle around your other commitments.

Best of luck :)

Rosanella:- thanks for all that I will have to play the maths parts by ear then, at least its not for 2-3 years away that stage. Also would you recommend doing MS221 Exploring Mathematics before MS282 and MS283, I know you havn't done them but from what you have heard?


S151 and MST121 should be sufficient to grasp some of the Maths you'll learn S282 . I do not recommend doing MSR209 without MS221 but that's my opinion. YOu might be a lot stronger in Maths skills than I am.

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