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Help with Helios Telescope - which one?

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Ooooh yes it can be expensive, as ive proved to myself over the last year or so!

But, lots of people on here who are wiser than myself manage to get fantastic views and images without spending too much at all and the nice thing is that nearly all of them are quite willing to share their wisdom and advice to us newbies!!

Its a cracking hobby to get into, it can be very challenging at first, but after a little patience and effort (and absorbing of the good info found on this forum) things do start to click and the rewards really make it worthwhile..!!


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I don't know, call me paranoid etc, but there seem to be two Helios scopes for sale on ebay at the moment very like the second one above, apparently one in Leicester and one in Redditch - but it looks very much to me that the photos were taken in the same room! Two different sellers too...hmmm! Possibly the same scope, just turned around..hmmm, bit strange!

I'd check it out to be honest before parting with any money!

Sorry, not trying to be a 'scaremonger', but....!


its not the same room if you look at the skirting board around the room its definitely different and the plug socket has vanished,but you are right to tread carefully! :)

not everybody on the dreaded ebay will rip you off,just the exorbitant charges that a the real problem :)

but to be honest i would be more tempted by this one,and its local to me not that i am in the market for a new scope,unless i see a bargain 12" :D now there is a thought

HELIOS 6" Newtonian Reflector Telescope on eBay (end time 31-Aug-10 13:18:40 BST)

not that i would pay much more than the starting bid though :eek:

the best thing is to probably watch this space some excellent scopes to be had on here!

wish i had found this place before the dreaded seben experience :)

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