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Jupiter Strangeness

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Has anyone seen this effect before? I did jupiter tonight, twice, I don't think i did anything different than I have done before, but both pictures have these concentric rings coming out from the center of the planet, I've over processed a bit to show them more, but they are there with very little processing, anyone any idea what they could be?



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They look very Newtons rings like to me. Do you have any mating surfaces such as filters, or dampness on anything between the camera sensor and the incoming light?

A shot in the dark I know, but anything else is hard to suggest. Can't detect them extending beyond the planets disc though, so the Idea might be up the creek.

Very Odd.


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They look very Newtons rings like to me.


Nope, they're definitely mine! ;o)

They do only cover the planets disk and there's only the IR block filter on the camera nose, definitely strange.


Just remembered, there were barlows involved too.

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Nick, you are the oracle of all knowledge! Thanks for that, I had actually emailed Gary Honis and I got this reply :-


Hi Dion,

The rings are known as the "onion ring" effect and it is caused either by

your webcam or your processing. The Toucam should not have the onion ring

effect unless there is a mechanical problem with your webcam. When I tested

the Logitech Pro 9000, it had the onion ring effect on Jupiter.


I know my cam isn't jiggered and I didn't think I really did anything different in processing, so will fiddle with the gain next time I'm out.

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