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Atik314L+ temperature

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I used a 16HR, the earlier version, without set point cooling and it was incredibly low in noise. I didn't bother with darks. However, I think I would use them now had I kept the camera so I would set it for -5, make a master dark of about 9 subs, and use that when stacking. That will give you belt and braces, as it were, and it is next to no trouble to do.

It's a wonderful camera you have.


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Hi Mark

I have the 314L as well. The temperature control is for lowering the temperature below the ambient ,so when it says -5 its not -5C its actually the current ambient -5 degrees.

Therefore if you are imaging on one of the many hot sultry nights which the UK is famed for:rolleyes: you would be best to drop the temperature to reduce any noise. But if its -10 ambient then the camera is so quiet you could probably get away without any temperature control

Hope that helps.


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I have the 314L as well. The temperature control is for lowering the temperature below the ambient ,so when it says -5 its not -5C its actually the current ambient -5 degrees.

Hi Phil,

Is your model the 314L+ which has a cooling set point? The manual states that you can set the operating temperature rather than a difference in temperature up to a range of -27 from ambient.

The temperature readout shows the current ccd temperature. If you start out at 17c and set the cooling point to -5c the current temperature cools down all the way from 17c to -5c not to 12c as you suggest. The previous version, 314L, didn't have the set point feature - I wonder if that is the model you have?


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