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20D connected using Astronomiser cable

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Hope someone can help, I'm pulling my hair out with this !!

I'm trying to connect my Canon 20D to my Compaq EVO620C via a modded N3 connector and serial cable.

Modded 3 connector and cable are from Astronomiser.

Astronomiser - Automated Astronomy and AstroImaging Solutions

(The cable at the top and the Adapting N3 Controllers at the bottom is what I've bought)

I've got DSLR Focus and DSLR Shutter, have connected the serial cable and started both, neither finds the camera to control it. Have tried com port 1 and 5.

Any help would save the rest of my hair... Thanks

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Thanks for the reply..

I've tried using both the usb and serial connection at the same time and DSLR Focus only does short exposure and cant use bulb...DSLR Shutter does nothing!

I only originally installed the 20d Canon WIA Driver (5.4.0) , but since then I read that I might need to have a few other canon apps running so I've also installed:

Canon ZoomBrowser

Canon EOS Utility

Canon Digital Photo Professional

Canon EOS Capture (however cant get this to run when I click it)

They all see the camera when connecting through USB, (apart from EOS Capture)

The serial cable is getting power through it as if I leave the camera on and remove or add the phono plug into the N3 adaptor the cameras shutter is released.

I've spent 6 hours trying to get this thing to work, haha!

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I use a 20Da but only with the N3 controller but i always wanted to control the camera from the PC. i can connect it with the USB lead but will only get 30 seconds max no bulb setting. so have been loking into this myself.

i might be wrong and please correct me if that is the case but i'm sure you only needed the serial cable to be attached without the N3 controller attached. the serial lead should allow all function s to be controlled from the PC including the shutter control so the N3 is not required in this instance. i use my N3 controller but i do not control with the cable so i might be wrong. don't get frustrated talk to Andy at astronomiser he will give you the info you need.

the other thing i found at one pint not with the camera but running the mount from the laptop is not all usb to serial converters allow the correct voltage through for the hand set to work. if you computer is a laptop could this be the case you have here. Talk to Andy hes is the best person to offer advice


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Thanks for the advice..

The N3 pin needs converting to link into a phono plug that can then attach into the femal phono end which connects to a serial plug!!!

That's what Andy advised, I mailed him before I went ahead with the purchase. Unfortunately he's away until next week so I'm pulling my hair out in the meantime to try and get it working..

I've tried with the serial to USB adapter and with just the serial plugged directly into the laptop.. nothing!!

I've jacked it in now and will wait for Andy to get back and hopefully he can assist me (really hope so).

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Mmm in an attempt to assist i have tried to load the software to do this on my pc (win7) not a laptop. now i have in the past used the utility software to do 30 second shots as that is all i could get it to do. to do more you need as you have stated a serial link to the camera. i to find myself unable to get images to the PC from the camera. have been on with canon support they asked what OS system etc and basically stated it not supported in Win 7 yet it has no drivers.

i am now trying in compatibility mode to see if it will work there. let you know


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  • 3 weeks later...


have you managed to get any further with the issue you had

I am interested as I am getting something similar it will see the camera and allow photos to be down loaded but will not recognise the camera in the remote mode..


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Had exactly this problem myself using the same lead.

Usb from camera to PC worked ok.

Remote shutter to DSLR SHUTTER nothing.

In the end i checked the connections in the jack plug and had to swop them round.

All working fine now.

I use dslr shutter and store pics onboard camera or use APT for full remote.

Best regards


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