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Help needed


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Hi Everyone.

I need some advice with regards to a scope purchase for a friend.

Yesterday we popped round to a friend of ours who is currently undergoing chemo for breast cancer asnd she is not doing very well.

She has always been interested in astronomy and the conversation got onto it ( as always ) and we began talking about what she can see from her garden which is in a pretty dark location in Denham village.

She texted me when I got home saying she would like to buy her husband a telescope up to about £300 as a way of saying thanks for the help he has given her through her ordeal ( she is quite an amazing woman ).

So I need to find them something that is easy for them to set up and not be to complicated to use. I have thought against a Dob as they are pretty large and even though you get good aperture for the money collimating etc may be too much for her in her condition so I really want to keep it simple like a alt az mount and grab'n'go.

Any suggestions much appreciated.


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Further to my last, the only problem with the GOTO mounts is they dont come with 12v adaptors so you would need to buy one but they are cheap.

Have a look the OPTICSTAR web site for some good deals

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  • 1 year later...

An update to my original post.

Unfortunately our good friend Vanessa Bruce passed away last Wednesday evening and I would just like to mention her on this site. She was a wonderfdul, positive , funny woman with time and a smile for everyone and I will always remember her for her interest and awe in Astronomy. She would always be fascinated at the huge distances and amazing facts that I would reel off to her whenever we talked about the subject, and she would always say " but how do they know that ! " and my trying to explain things to her would always end in her laughing at me and calling me an anorak.

I am not a religious person but from now on everytime I look up at the Stars I would like to think Vanessa is up there looking down at me and saying in her funny way "I bet you wish you could see what I can see ." :BangHead:


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I'm very sorry to hear the awful news about your friend Vanessa, my thoughts are with you and her husband. I imagine every time he looks through that telescope (if he got one in the end?) it will remind him of her.

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Hi Vlebo

Sorry to hear of your loss and Vanessas passing - we all live one life it's not necessarily how long we live but what we do in that lifetime and the effect we have on those we come into contact that really matters

My thoughts are with you.


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