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Drift/Polar alignment simulator and animated guide

Gordon G

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Not sure if this is a repeat post, just stumbled across this website. Has a guide and animations on how to drift align. But the bonus is there is at the bottom of the page there is a link to a simulator with an illuminated reticle to practice on ( and do i need it :insects1: )


The fella who has done this has certainly put effort in it

If it is a re-post then apologies



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That's cool. I have found this site very useful http://members.aol.com/ccdastro/drift-align.htm It explains very clearly what is going on and what has to be done. The problem I have is remembering which way I have to turn the knobs on my wedge to make the appropriate adjustment. The other problem is we have so little time under the stars that I tend to do a rush job and then curse myself later when my tracking is naff!

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