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next naked eye comet?

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I seem to remember a rather spectacular comet being in the sky when i was a kid/young teenager (hale bopp?).

Im just wondering how long it will be before we see somthing like that again??

anybody know?


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Hi Wurzil ... Hale-Bopp was around for ages, and quite visible to the naked eye, but only small, as in it didnt have a large tail.

MacNaught was huge a couple of years ago for us Down Under, tho I was unable to get a look due to dodgy weather. :p

K5 is around at the momnet, though more in N.Hem, but not visible to naked eye.

2010 MacNaught R1 is looking a little promising, and may became naked eye visible in mid July when it maybe around mag 4.5, but certainly not big and bright, though you never know with comets.

So, at the moment, there is not too much around for easy comet viewing.

I have trying to track 81P in Virgo, at about mag 8.8 but still havent found it. :D

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ahhhh i see, so comets are a bit of a Wild Card and we dont know too far in advance when they will show up, how close/bright they will be etc.

apparently Hale Bopp was only discovered 2 years before it it was at its brightest, so maybe we'll have a nice one in the not too distant future - fingers crossed


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