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Filter any good?


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9. UV/IR block (L filter)

- This filter is a must for all digital imaging with Digital Cameras, CCD Cameras, and modified WebCams.

- Also useful for protecting valuable H-Alpha filters from heat stress and damaging IR (Daystar, etc).

11. LPS-P2 filters

  • - manufactured by Hutech Corporation
    - is a thin-layered interference based light pollution suppression filter.
    - is designed to suppress the various common emissions lines generated by artificial lighting, yet allow important nebula emission lines to pass.
    - in the enhanced contrast of astronomical objects, especially emission nebulae such as the California nebula.
    - are designed for balanced color transmission. This allows color photographs to be taken of broadband astronomical objects, such as stars, galaxies, and clusters, to be taken with minimal color cast.

UHC-S filter

- excels at delivering a high-contrast and natural view of emission nebula - without excessive dimming and loss of background star fields.

- The perfect filter for viewing emission nebula from light polluted skies, or for boosting the contrast of nebula from dark sky sites.

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If it's this one;

UHC/LPR Filter - 1.25 in (item #94123) / Filters / Accessories / Products / Celestron.com

then it will cut off UV and IR, but also other parts of the spectrum as well, so you may lose some detail on the planets (particularly green yellow and (visible) red details - 520-620nm, so it might just appear to be light blue!). It's mainly used for DSO's.


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