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Crescent Moon , 18th April


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Only managed to get the one single shot of the crescent tonight before clouds rolled in . I had to rush home from a mate's , set up and shoot. Had intended to do some barlow work but alas was not to be.


450D Prime , C80mm , 1/15s exp' , ISO100

Clear Skies


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Well, the rush home was worth it Pete, even for this one shot, it's turned out very nice. A lovely Sepia looking crescent, with plenty to see in the detail. Rushing around generally doesn't do it in Astronomy, but it worked in this case.:D


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Very, very nice. I've just recently gotten into stargazing and although I may not have the best equipment, I can already tell this is a hobby that I am going to have for my life.

It is certainly addictive SL, rewarding and at times frustrating ! Some of the DSO that folk on here post are just simply stunning images, I hope to be able to emulate some day .

Thanks for the kind words folks . I done a rework of this , about to post seperately.

Clear Skies


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