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First got into astronomy in the early 1960's when my mum and dad bought me a Charles Frank Junior Astronomical Telescope one Christmas. Awful telescope, really, but it started things off.

In the early 1970's my dad took me to Dixons and bought me a 60 mm Japanese refractor. I thought it was great.....three eyepieces (the CF had a fixed eyepiece), equatorial mount, slow motions but was it heavy and the tripod, really, was rubbish! Then the teens and hormones took over; I didn't seem to have much time for stars when staggering out of the pub.....well, not those stars anyway!

Over the last two or three years really got back into it helped by a 50th birthday present from the wife of a super pair of 10x50 Bushnell's. A couple of weeks or so went the whole hog....a second hand Skywatcher 12" truss tube Dob which really is the business.

Anyhow, greetings to all!

- Geoff

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Hello Geoff,

A very warm welcome to SGL from me.

I started out with the same Charles Frank 'scope (mounting made from flexible wooden dowelling if I recall correctly), then quickly graduated onto an equatorially mounted Charles Frank 4in newt. This cost an arm and a leg at the time (late '60s) but was an improvement (just). All very different now:).


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Hello Geoff,

A very warm welcome to SGL from me.

I started out with the same Charles Frank 'scope (mounting made from flexible wooden dowelling if I recall correctly), then quickly graduated onto an equatorially mounted Charles Frank 4in newt. This cost an arm and a leg at the time (late '60s) but was an improvement (just). All very different now:).


No....the CF JAT (well, at least the one I had!) was a spindly metal tripod and the mount sort of slotted into a hole at the top of the tripod. You couldn't follow a thing with it because the slightest nudge meant you almost knocked the thing over; if you tried to focus (no rack and pinion!) again you ended up looking somewhere else. But it was fun (really???)

Anyhow, thanks all for the welcome!

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