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External Communications

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Bored with the weather again, I've now installed a through the wall power and communications hub. One outside power socket installed for the mount ( and garden tools, mowers, strimmers, etc according to Mrs BA), and communications socket carring two USB sockets and one network socket. Got the cables from Lindy and the USB panel mounts & network socket from Maplin. The outside sockets came from B&Q, and it was important for the network socket that they mounted a full size faceplate. The power socket is switched from the inside, and was installed by an electrician to get the safety certificate. The comms socket required some DIY to mount the outside USBs on the network facia, and some holes for the panel mount USBs on the surface box. I also had to rotate the inside network facia plate to allow room for the USB panel mounts. The inside and outside USBs are connected with a short A-B cable, and the network socket with network cable.

Tried the USBs last night and it works a treat. No more freezing wind through the open patio doors while controlling the mount :( The network socket is for future options, maybe with a mount located mini-pc.



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Very neat job that I like it.

I tried the wireless alternative with the Aldi Wireless USB hub. So far Ive got the mount working from the house but running the guide cam has got iissues.


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