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Light Pollution


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I havent used my 10" scope for over 3 months now because of the light issue, our next door neighbours stay up till 1am sitting in the garden with the spotlight, while smoking weed, i dont really want to be smelling weed while looking at the stars, kind of ruins the tranquility of it all.

Also, the council has just put up new street lamps on my road and taken down the old ones, there was 4 all together before and now there is 12 lol, there really is no point anymore as i have totally given up, thats what i get for living in london!

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No response since the 6th of September from the councill re my request to have a street light


Sent them an email this morning to prod their memories but since nothing has happened in nearly

two months, I don't hold out much hope for getting this sorted

For the record, this is the "prod" email..


On the fifth of September I sent you an email regarding nuisance from

light pollution from a street light outside our bungalow and asked if a

shield could be fitted.

This was my email with the details:


The street light in question has the number 5897.

It is situated outside our bungalow at the bottom of New Station Road in


The original light was fairly low down but this one which replaced it

is much higher and towers over the bungalow.

The net effect of this is that the bungalow and two thirds of the garden and

land are bathed in orange light which disturbs our sleep and invades our privacy and we are

never in darkness anymore.

I realise the need for correct lighting etc but it seemed to me that a simple shield on

the rear of the lamp would stop wasted and annoying light reaching my


I hope that something can be done and thank you again for your rapid



Philip Thompson


You responded by saying that you had passed this on to the street lighting department

but since the 6th of September, we have heard nothing and no shield has been fitted.

Could you please check if this matter has been forgotten about and perhaps let me know

a rough time scale for something to be done about the light.

Thank you


Philip Thompson

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that is an a class letter phillip and like yourself i live in a bungalow and have a massive street light right outside my bedroom ( even had to go to the expense of buying blackout curtains) i hope you get this resolved and it makes you think should i get the ladders out and do it myself!!

keep us posted on your annoying electronic buddy in the night

little col

fingers crossed for you

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I had to wait weeks for any sign of life from my local MP, so don't lose heart just yet.... but saying that, they should have been round there pronto, if this offending light is causing you sleepness nights.... Persistance is key me thinks!

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  • 1 month later...

I know it's an old thread but thought I'd draw a line under my part of it.

Just gone past the fifth promised time for somebody to come and look at/shroud

the streetlight that causes me grief.

Exactly as I thought, the larger councils care less about these things and if

there is a ruling about light pollution, they simply ignore it by the looks of it.

Anyway, I'm about to move my scope position to another part of my yard where

I should be able to put up a temporary screen on viewing nights.

Not going to stress about the council any more apart from starting a mini campaign

to get an apology from the women who has lied to me three times in emails......

I'm old fashioned and can't abide people in those positions who think it's fine to tell lies :nono:

Anybody else tried and failed/succeeded?

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Well here there has been a hitch in things.. As some may know essex county council are planning to strat turning of the street lights in residentail areas at midnight, but some damn reporter has fuelled the anit lights off lobby by finding out that some speed limits wont apply as they refer directly to areas where streetlights are less than 200 metres apart. Luckily I had my head screwed on and informed her that anyone tring to drive at 60mph in a built up area just cos the lights are out will likely face a charge of driving without due car and attention or dangerous driving as the law states that one must drive according to the road/weather/lighting conditions and with due respect for all other road users etc.

I just really hope it happens and the damn things go off.

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