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Leo triplet M66


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I fancied giving this a try last night, it was just getting to a reasonable height at about 10pm.

Mod'd and cooled Canon 300d

C80 ED+0.63FR (3 deg FOV).

16x5min subs

5x5min darks

needs some flats, will do today.

CG5-GT mount

Guided with a 120mm lens on a Mintron camera - not ideal but a lot lighter than guiding with my C8 SCT!

first one is the whole field

second one is cropped

Thanks for looking.



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yes, you could be right, I usually process them on my laptop which has funny contrast and colours which I can't adjust. Also after adding the flats I got a strange gradient across the image so processing that out had some other unwanted effects.

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Very nice Russ :headbang:

I think the last one just needs a little tweak to darken the background (black point) a bit... somewhere between 20 and 30 for the RGB values in the info dialog and then increase the canvas size by say 20 pixels of true black...helps fool the eye a bit...


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