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2/3/2010 - Not a bad night


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Tonight was the night I brought the goto on line- so lost some sky time to alignment and setup.

M42 - with no moon the definition of the nebula was much better with the clouds appearing much more luminous.

Mars - very bright and red, could make out ever such slight hint of detail, but the cold was making my eyes water a bit.

Rigel - managed to split the companion, this was a first as I've never achieved this with other telescopes.

Saturn - just crept high enough over my neighbours roof to pull into view - great view of the rings, looking very yellow too. I could make out 1 moon. Planet was a bit too low for really good seeing.

Not a bad session, apologies if this is not particularly well described - still learning the ropes!

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Castor -Alpha Gem

Iota Cancri

I will definitely try those - I kind of didn't get the the double star thing until I saw Rigel, I think this could become a target list for me!

What scope are you using? M42 is a marvelous sight in any sized instrument I think

It's a skywatcher evostar 120 - only have the stock eyepieces so far - but I was super impressed with M42, best view I've had of it (then again this is the most able scope I've had!).

I will say that seeing conditions were very good while I was out, it got a little hazy around the eastern horizon about 9pm - which was also accompanied by the neighbours security lights flicking on and off for no good reason....

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