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Photoshop and 64 bit compatability?


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Hi all,

I need some advice please, I have been trying to wrap my head around doing processing on my astro images and found I was struggling.

So I shelled out and bought the excellent 'A guide to astrophotography' by Jerry Lodriguss.

After watching the tutorials on the CD I realised that it was about time I bought an updated edition of 'Adobe photoshop'

I was thunderstruck by the prices!:eek: the CS2 version that was in the CD titorials were going for anything between £700 up to a grand!.

I have also recently bought a new quadcore pc for doing the processing on and it is running at 64 bit, I have had several of my favourite CD programmes tell me that they are not compatable with 64 bit.

Have anybody else faced these problems? I really don't want to pay so much money out for a processing programme, fantastic though the Adobe ones are.

Thanking you for any advice you can give.


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I use PS4 on an 64bit XP machine and it runs happily. You can get it cheaper than you've quoted - a quick look on Amazon has it running at £390 if you buy it from the marketplace. I'm sure you could get it cheaper if you looked around - and if you could find a qualifying student to buy it for you, you could get it for £130.

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If I'm not mistaken, CS4 is the only one that will process in 64 bit. And in order to take advantage of that speed, you have to get some pretty big RAM. The guys I've spoken to have machines with at least 8 GB of RAM with some of them upgrading to 12 GB.

For those with the big chipped cameras with their equally big files, this is a nice jump.

But as far as the process itself, CS2 will do the same thing, but not as fast. All of the neat plugins work with CS2. Check Ebay. I got mine (CS2) there after I saw what CS3 cost. I found an unopened, unregistered version for about 1/3 the cost of CS3. I imagine CS2 is way lower now.


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