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Please help me choose some Giant Binoculars

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I have a limited budget (max £200, preferably less than £100) for a pair of 15x70 or 20x80 binoculars ;) to complement my pair of cheap Bresser 10x50 (£9.99 @ Lidl ;)), which are excellent.

I am hoping to use them to get better views of DSOs. I was considering the following, but the lenses are not multi-coated, so not sure how much difference this will make...

Adler Kosmos 15x70 @ £49.99

Adler Jupiter 20x80ZCF @ £89.99

Apologies to FLO here as I have to think of my budget first...:p



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I have a pair of the 20x80's that look very, very similar to the ones that you provided a link to. Mine are Visioner branded.

They are quite excellent bincs. The huge eyelenses make for a very comfortable viewing experience. My very old 20x80's were awful in this regard.

The coatings on mine are fine and the link for the 20x80's do say full anti reflection coatings.

If these come from the same factory as mine(and it does look so), then you'll not be dissapointed. Great bincs. ESPECIALLY for the money.

I wouldn't hesitate in getting them again. Like any binc bought online, make sure you check that optics are alligned well, when you get them. The images should merge correctly etc. Same goes for any bincs of course.





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I have a pair of the 20x80's that look very, very similar to the ones that you provided a link to. Mine are Visioner branded.

They are quite excellent bincs. The huge eyelenses make for a very comfortable viewing experience. My very old 20x80's were awful in this regard.

The coatings on mine are fine and the link for the 20x80's do say full anti reflection coatings.

If these come from the same factory as mine(and it does look so), then you'll not be dissapointed. Great bincs. ESPECIALLY for the money.

I wouldn't hesitate in getting them again. Like any binc bought online, make sure you check that optics are alligned well, when you get them. The images should merge correctly etc. Same goes for any bincs of course.




Hi Andy,

thanks for your comments ... how do I check binoculars for collimation ... also, can this be adjusted if out, or do I simply have to send them back for replacement? ... thanks.

Edit: A quick search on your Visioneers claims they are multi-coated ... unlike the Adlers, which only claim to be fully-coated.



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Unfortunately a star test ie looking at stars at night is the quickest and easiest way to see if there are collimation issues.

It's almost impossible to re-collimate a pair of binoculars with some sophisticated test gear.

You might be able to use a defined distant point to check... close one eye then the other - there should be no apparent movement of the object or double images....

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Edit: A quick search on your Visioneers claims they are multi-coated ... unlike the Adlers, which only claim to be fully-coated.

True. In the ad they do say fully multicoated, but on the pic, above, it says only fully coated. Whatever they are they work very well.

thanks for your comments ... how do I check binoculars for collimation ... also, can this be adjusted if out, or do I simply have to send them back for replacement? ... thanks.

Once you look through a pair of 'off whack' bincs, you'll know immediately. You'll struggle to see one merged big circle/field of view. I had an old pair of 7x35's that had been dropped and the view was a bit like seasickness or like you get, when you cross your eyes slightly. No matter how hard you're brain tries to make it work it just won't(hurts the eyes trying).



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