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Andromeda Galaxy: e-sketch

yeti monster

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Battling against the LP, and stuggling to make a decent preliminary sketch due to dodgy eyes and surrounding lighting.

This is as close as I could get a sketch tonight.


I now know that I really do want those tripod mounted binos that I didn't buy at the ferry port.

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I use Gimp and a graphics pad/pen. I made a template to represent the view through binos/scope. then as I'm observing try to draw a real sketch, which is the really tricky bit, as I can't see for toffee, so I have to hold up the pad to some light, which of course then ruins my night adjustment. Then I have to find my target again, study it as much as possible, before continuing the sketch.

Doing the actual e-sketch only takes afew minutes. Gimp has a wonderful filter called "supernova" which is perfect for stars, once you get used to the radius/rays/random colour selections.

Well, that's my secret out, prepare to be bombarded with e-sketches now.......

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I think their actually called graphics tablets, but that's just silly.

I have a small palm sized one (Macally) at work, which fits neatly into my camera bag for travelling etc. At home I use an A4 sized one (can't remember the make). They plug into your pc via a USB and use a wireless "pen" instead of a mouse, which offers excellent cursor control.

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Great Image. I would like to have a go at digital drawing. I have just recently read Peter Grego`s book Astronomical Cybersketching but I am still a bit confused as to what is the best hardware to get. I suppose I would really like to try one before choosing but I hav`nt got round to finding a retailer that could demonstrate one to me.

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I've used Gimp (free to download or buy a disc off ebay for the price of a pint) for my photography for about a year now, as it has an excellent selection of tools and filters etc. and can be used muli-layered, it lends itself to any and all digital image files for manipulation.

The graphics "tablets" are cheap enough, and you can find appraisals of most products on-line.

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Yes, the rig is flood lit 24/7, plus there is aconverted tanker near by, which is also flood lit and our standby boat, which, surprisingly enough, happens to be flood lit.

I have found that right by our anchor winch houses are the darkest places to observe from.

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