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Nice Double in Lynx


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With the full moon I thought I would look up some doubles.

I found a less well known one in Lynx. It is STF 1333.

It was fine. Often move towards a double and am dissapointed but this was a fine one.

Two lovely sharp white pin pricks of light. Both evenly bright at about mag 6.

They were about 2mm apart in my 4mm Ortho so x300. Clear dark sky between them. They are 1.6" apart so the web tells me.

I am not sure how far away the stars are so I cannot work out how far they are apart in real terms.

Anyway nice to look at!


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Hello Mark I decide to view some doubles last night after I had a session with Mars. Thanks for the info on STF 1333. I checked it out on Sissy Haas's book on doubles so I will now seek it out - maybe tonight!

I used the 6" frac last night and had very pleasing views of Castor and Beta Monoceros at 240x with the 5mm Hyperion although still was not able to see stars E and F in the Trapezium.


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