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DSLR on Celestron C8-N


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Just a quick question...

Im going to be using my Canon 1000D with my C8-N. The scope comes with a T-adapter that fits in the 2" eyepiece slot. Is there any diference to using this or buying an adapter for the 1.25"? As I understand if i use the 1.25" part the focal length would be ever so slightly longer.

Is this correct and would there be any noticable difference?

I have about some issues about bringing it into focus.

Any help appreciated.



EDIT: sorry this might have been better in the equipment forum.

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It is better to attach the camera direct to the focussing tube with the supplied t adapter. If you use the 1.25" adapter aswell the extra distance the adapter adds will need to be compensated for by racking in the focuser by the same amount. This may lead to problems getting the camera to focus because you may run out of focuser travel. The focal length will not increase by using the 1.25" adapter, this is fixed by the optics.


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