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When was the first time you saw a meteor shower


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I have only ever seen one meteor shower, maybe 24 years ago, give or take a year, probably around early October. A friend was working in India, and I joined him to spend a month travelling around the country. We visited a place called Ladakh for a week, high up in the Himalayas, at the edge of the Tibetan Plateau, sandwiched between Indian Kashmir, Pakistan Kashmir and Chinese Tibet. It is a Mahayana Buddhist society. It was very cold, as winter was approaching, and I made friends with this French guy, and we got into sitting on the roof, chatting. Wrapped up as best we could, one night, we watched these bright stars falling from the sky over the Himalayas. I knew nothing about astronomy then (don't know much now), so I have no idea what they were, or where they were coming from - but it was a special moment for me.

I guess I could find out the co-ordinates and the dates and work it out. But knowing what they were wouldn't enhance the memory.


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Camping (trailer tent & c*r*v*n actually) in the New Forest, many moons hence, probably August or so. WMy friend had mentioned that there was a shower due, so we stayed out watching and waiting for it and we weren't disappointed, well, Mrs. Yeti Monster was 'cos she'd be faffin' about (more likely talking, as she can do that without the need for oxygen, apparently) and would only look up after the rest of use cried out "wow, did you see that one!"

It was a tremendous shower, as yet to be better for me. I remember one "growler" go overhead, so big and bright I recon it was at least as large as VW Beetle. I half expected to see a blinding flash just before we were all incinerated and blown away by 500 mph winds etc.

I'd love to experiance a shower that intense again.

But seeing some Geminids whilst flying at 38,000 ft was rather thrilling!

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