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Late Jupiter

The Warthog

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I know Jupiter's past its prime, but I set up tonight, as we've had a cold front come through, and there was Jupiter looking clean and bright, so I got it in the scope, partly testing my finder set up earlier today (it's fine!) and just wanting to see what I could see. I centred it in the field with a 17mm Plossl that I rarely use, then put the 9mm Ortho on it, and since it looked promising, I put on my 5mm X-Cel, and then put a Barlow behind that, for 300 power, the most this scope can deliver. It wasn't a waste of time, as I could clearly see bands and zones, including the polar regions. I thought I was seeing the GRS for a while, but checking with S&T's site told me I was looking in the wrong place. The seeing was surprisingly good, however, and I got the best views of Jupiter I've had with this scope, or ever with my own scope.

My neighbour was out at his pool, and called over to me, asking if that bright star was Mars. I told him it was Jupiter, and invited him to come have a look, so a few minutes later he came over with one of his guests, who made me think lustful thoughts, and they both had a look through the scope, and were impressed to see the bands. The lady mentioned the stars around Jupiter, and was just blown away when I told her that they were moons. Then they went away, as the mosquitoes were getting bad, and left me alone to try and see features on Jupiter.

I tried to see M27 again, and M56, to no avail. I am sure I am looking in the right place. I think they just aren't bright enough to cut through the LP. Is there a filter that might help?

Even a bad night observing is better than a good night watching TV, eh?

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WH, most of the light from M27 is in the OIII band so an OIII filter would be the most specific. However you wouldn't want it too narrow band as it would cut out too much light. Even a plain blue filter might help. A LPR/CLS filter would also probably help

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