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More M1 Data....


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I've been wanting to add some more data to my M1 that I took earlier in the year with my C8 and F/6.3 FR.

The weather has been pretty lousy of late, and I was setup for widefield use up until late december. I switched over to the C8 on the mount, and had a few issues with Flexsure, bad seeing and bad guiding. The C8 definitely needs a crystal clear sky to perform well!

Enough moaning though - things have been coming on nicely, and after I ditched about 40% of my data, I am very happy with the result so far... This is still a work in progress though - I definitely want to grab more on this before I consider it 'done'!

So far, I've got 120 minutes Ha as Red, 190 minutes OIII as Blue and 140 minutes of Hb as Green. Total time 7.5 hours.

And here it is:


Click here for a clickable copy: South Common Observatory

Thanks for looking!



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Thanks guys...

I do love the colours that Ha/OIII/Hb gives - although I am hankering after an SII filter now as well :hello2:

Resinator - not silly questions at all! The camera is a cooled monochrome Astro-imaging Camera - the Starlight Xpress SXV-H9.

The reason for spending so much time is that when you take a single exposure the picture is full of random 'noise' - its very grainy and not well defined in other words. By taking lots of images, and combining them on the PC, the noise (which is random) is reduced and the signal (which is constant) is not. This means that the object becomes better defined and clearer. Its a common technique for all digital astro-imaging.



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Hells Bells Richie!....that is turning into a superb M1. It responds really well to the Ha-OIII-Hb pallette,

What's the Hb like alone?

Talking of SII filters....I'm using mine tonight....first time in 2 years!



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