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At Last after 4 Years Of Trying

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Finally I have managed to see the Geminid meteor shower after 4 years of trying.

As I type this we are in maximum ZHR for the shower and unfortunately My part of London is totally clouded out. But I have managed to observe 26 beautiful meteor's during the hours of 8pm until about five minutes before the max ZHR 05:05. Just thought that while I wait for this hopefully temporary break in observations to clear I would post my results up till now. I really am impresssed by the quality of what I have seen tonight. Also Mars and Saturn are really striking at the moment.:)

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I have just returned from my second outing of the night, having just observed some amazing sights of the shower too.i live in a little village in southwest scotland. I went out around 1am and saw approx 1 a minute. Went out again just before 6 and sometimes got 3 in a minute including a 3 second stunner. This was my first attempt viewing any shower and what a way to start. Truly amazing

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You picked a good one to start with!

I have been out once in the middle of the night and saw a few and then saw another one as I was opening the gate for the missus this morning.

Just looking at the crescent moon rise above the hills to the south and it looks great..

Neil C

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Well unfortunately the cloud persisted through the ZHR and my final count for tonight remains at 26 but it was well worth freezing my cahonies off for. I saw some real stonkers half the sky long trails on quite a few of the meteors and some nice ones that kinda sputtered and flashed as thier cores disintergrated, some persisted for 3 or even 5 seconds.

Keep those fingers crossed for tonight as well though as we will still get some more yet. And from what I have read about this shower they can surprise you even for several days after maximum.

Bring it on oh yeah.

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I'm glad you enjoyed it, the Geminids were putting on a good show before the peak when I did have clear skies the night previously :) I remember watching my first Perseid shower out in a field in the middle of nowhere - awesome experience.

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