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M15 Globular


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I took this at the end of my session this past weekend...I'm not a very good globular imager...So, I'll post what I got anyway. This was a stack of 35 @20 sec. - ISO 400 with the Canon XT through the LX-90 @f6.3. I see some Red splotches in the photo and not sure what they are...Maybe I should hand select the exposures more carefully in case it's just on a few...Or, maybe someone can explain the technical reason it's there.


* I tried restacking and couln't get the red splotches out...So, I cropped the dang picture...XX&*??!x...

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Doug, red areas in digital images, especially around the edges are usually heat from the chip registering in the image, The longer the exposure the more this can show.

Cracking images.

naz :D

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